Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Outdoor Family Portrait Poses

Family portrait photography is all about the warmth and love that flows through family and works best when done outdoors. How close knit a family is becomes very evident from the pose that it chooses. So, let us explore some options of poses that you can try in the outdoors. They'll look great, and will be an enriching and fun experience that the entire family will treasure.

Barbecue Time

This is one of the seemingly casual ideas, but is effective nonetheless. You've obviously had a barbecue, at least once in your life. Even if you haven't, for this idea, what you can do is, get out the barbecue stand, and place it in the backyard. If you don't own one, rent or borrow one. The whole family must dress up in breezy summer clothes in either pastel shades, or bright colors. This picture has to be taken during the day time. Have a table with a pretty table cloth on it, and plates and glasses, for the family placed on the table. The father can stand at the barbecue stand, the mother can stand next to him, with a plate in her hand. The kids can be at the table, waiting for their grilled sandwiches. All must fit in one frame, and should smile looking at the camera! *click*
At the Beach

Another idea for a gorgeous outdoor family photo is a trip to the beach. The entire family can wear khaki bottoms, and white tops. The dad and son can be in shorts and plain white t-shirts, and the mum and daughter can wear khaki skirts, and white strappy tops. No footwear. The girls can leave their hair open. For the picture, you can either, all pose together, seated near a sand castle, or take a picture, while you'll walk on the beach hand in hand. The order of standing need not be height-wise. You can alternate girl-boy-girl-boy. Or you can even try out the poses given in the images here. *click*
In the Garden

Come spring and the flowers are all ready to welcome you with their vibrant colors, and lingering fragrances. You can't hope for a better background for your outdoor family picture than a garden in full bloom. So, put on your dressy clothes, and get ready for a memorable photo shoot that will accentuate the bounty of nature, as well as the love that flows through your family. Select a bench in a garden that has a lot of flowers in it. Have the kids sitting on the bench, while the parents stand behind the bench. Or, the whole family can sit on the bench. If you're not too keen on the bench, you can just spread a pretty mat, and sit in the midst of a flowerbed, picnic style! *click*
Under the Trees

Autumn brings with it, the golden hues of fallen leaves. And this gold, covering the pathways, and the lawns, makes for an absolutely stunning background for family portraits. Have the family dressed in shades of brown, cream, and gold. Choose a tree which has a lot of dried leaves fallen under it. Or rake up leaves, and place them under the tree. The photo should be taken from above. The whole family can stand in a circle holding hands, and look upwards, towards the photographer. The focus should be on the people, and the leaves in the background can be blurred. The other ideas mentioned in the images here also work well! *click*
You can enhance outdoor portraits by using different techniques like black and white photography and other ideas. Have a great time clicking the picture. It's going to be a memory for a lifetime.


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