Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Clean Stainless Steel Grills

Stainless steel is corrosion-resistive because of the formation of a thin layer of chromium oxide on its surface. This layer is formed when the chromium present in the stainless steel combines with atmospheric oxygen. When the surface of stainless steel article gets covered with dirt or food material, the stainless steel cannot have any contact with oxygen which results in a decrease in its protection from corrosion. This problem arises even when a high quality steel product is chosen. The use of marinades and sauces that are acidic in nature, aggravates the situation further.

How to Clean Stainless Steel Grills?

Cleaning the Grill After Each Use
In order to obtain a good cleaning effect, you must try to clean the stainless steel grill, immediately after each use. After each use, allow the grill to cool down a bit. Then, wipe it off with a soft cloth that has been dipped in any good liquid-soap. Remove all the food particles, particularly the marinades, as they cause maximum damage to your grill. After this, wash off with water properly. Never use steel or wire wool for scrubbing the grill as they often leave behind some particles on the surface that can cause rusting. It is also important that you choose the right kind of soap for cleaning stainless steel grills. While rubbing or wiping the surface of the steel, take care that the movement is along the polish lines and not across them.

Cleaning the Stains Off the Grill
In case, you have not cleaned your grill immediately after your last use, it gives you a tough time. You cannot rub the grill vigorously, as it tends to get scratched very easily. Also, you cannot use any of those abrasive cleaning products that are suitable for other metals. If you use wire brush to remove the old foodstuffs that remained stuck for a long time on your stainless steel grill, even then, the stainless steel grill will get scratched. Given below, are some ways to clean old stains from stainless steel grills.

Take out the cooking grids from the grill and use a soft brush made of brass wire to clean the debris and the ash that are loosely stuck to its sides. If there are some burned coatings, scrape them out with a putty knife. The same method should be applied for removing the debris from a pan as well. Now, take a large plastic-bin that can accommodate your grill and make a mixture of dish washing soap and warm water. Soak the grill into it for fifteen minutes. If the container cannot soak the entire grill, then soak one half at a time. This way, you can get rid of any heavy grime.

You can also use some natural cleaners for cleaning stainless steel grill. Pour some white vinegar on those portions of the grill that are badly soiled and then sprinkle some baking soda over it. You will see bubbles forming up. Allow this solution to sit on the grill for about half an hour, if the stain is tough; otherwise, ten minutes is enough. Then, wipe the grill off with a moist cloth and rinse thoroughly.

Fingerprints and mild stains are common problems that lead to the discoloration of the stainless steel. It is quite difficult to clean fingerprint marks from the surface of stainless steel. Glass cleaners work well to clean fingerprints and mild stains. A natural method for cleaning them is to make a paste of soda ash and water and apply it on the stains with the help of a soft rag. Then wash it off thoroughly with some warm water.

If the water you are using for the last rinse has high calcium content, it can leave white spots on the surface of the grill. Hence, it is essential that the surface should be wiped off with dry towels after every wash.


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