Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Caramelize Onions

Onions are one of those versatile vegetables that are used in almost all parts of the globe. It is one among the oldest foods, used by humans throughout the centuries. Even today, the onion is an indispensable ingredient in a whole lot of recipes in almost all regional cuisines. Onions are used raw or are browned, sauteed, caramelized, etc.

Caramelized Onions

Caramelization is a process of heating sugars, which break down to totally different compounds with a characteristic color and flavor. In case of caramelization of onions, sliced onions are heated over slow fire for a certain period of time, till the natural sugars in it are broken down. This process turns the onions more sweet with a deep amber to brownish shade and smoky flavor. Caramelized onions are used as delectable additions to pizza, soups, hamburgers, mashed potatoes and a whole lot of other dishes.

Almost all types of onions and even shallots can be caramelized. While, some people prefer the sweeter varieties, vidalias, other prefer less sweeter onion types. If you like the sweeter onion varieties, then, you may use Walla walla, Vidalia, Texas sweet, Mayan sweet, Oso sweet, sweet imperial, Maui, etc. Otherwise regular yellow, red or white onions will do. It is also said that large onions with a mild flavor, are best for caramelizing.

Caramelize Onions Properly

Peel and cut three to four onions into halves. Once done, place these onion halves on the cutting board, with the flat side facing downwards. Slice these onion halves. While, thin slices are easy to cook, even thicker ones can be caramelized. Take a thick-bottomed frying pan and place it over low heat. Add two to three tablespoons of olive oil or butter into the pan. Butter is more flavorful, but, it can get burned and if you are using butter, make sure to keep the heat as low as possible. You may also use a mixture of both butter and olive oil. As the oil or butter gets hot, add the sliced onions and cook on low heat. Don't forget to stir the slices at regular intervals, so that burning of onions can be prevented. Gradually, the onion slices will change color to golden brown, followed by a deep brown shade. Once they reach a deep amber color, remove the pan from the stove. You may also try different caramelized onions recipes with black pepper, spices, etc. for a different flavor.

You may fasten the process of caramelizing by adding one or two pinches of salt, while cooking. Onions contain moisture that is suck out by the salt. This moisture will evaporate while cooking. Even thinner slices can make your job faster. If the onion slices are sticking to the pan, then, you may add a small amount of wine or vinegar (or even water), so as to loosen the slices. You may also store caramelized onions in air tight containers for up to three months. If you have lots of onions for caramelizing, it will be better to do the task in batches, rather than cooking them all at once.

If you want to caramelize onions in the oven, all you have to do is to slice the onions and toss with some oil. Spread the slices in a roasting pan and place it inside the oven that is preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook for an hour, but, make sure to turn the slices at regular intervals, so as to prevent burning. However, the best way is to cook them on the stove top, over low heat, with regular stirring. Now that you know more about how to caramelize onions, you may try the method and prepare perfect caramelized onions.


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